
Not a New You, Just Your Best You: Natural Looking Results at Artistry of Face

May 13, 2016 by Zack Carolan Leave a Comment

You run into an old friend you have not seen in years and find yourself unable to listen to what they are saying because you can’t stop thinking to yourself, “What did they do to their face?” This is an all too familiar occurrence in today’s society. Over stuffed lips which are so swollen they look painful, cheeks so augmented people can’t see their own toes when they look down, and expressionless faces. These encounters immediately reinforce every concern why you were on the fence about having injections done in the first place. They solidify your decision not to look deeper into having any procedures done.

In every survey or study done regarding what holds people back from having facial injections, the recurrent theme, the number one reason people say why they do not have injections is , “I don’t want to look different or weird. I feel I look tired all the time and just want to appear more rested and refreshed.” Many people are proud of their age, it is not their intent to look younger; they just don’t want to look so “tired” and “angry” anymore. Even more than before there is emphasis on taking better care of ourselves with healthy diet and exercise. Our bodies feel strong and healthy on the inside, but when we look in the mirror every morning and there is a disconnect; how we look in the mirror does not reflect how we feel on the inside. It is not vanity which drives us to want to look just as good on the outside, as we feel on the inside. We simply want to look as good as we feel. There is not vanity in that.

When I see people “puffed up”, “bloated” or “frozen”; I do not blame them. Society dictates “big lips and cheeks are vogue”. The blame resides solely on the practitioner who injected them. That provider did that patient a disservice, for they just reinforced by their injections what the number one reason people don’t do these procedures in the first place: Made them look like someone they are not. That provider did something to their face that makes them look odd, instead of refreshed.

It is my duty as a provider to understand your specific facial aging processes and to help restore volume back to your face that you had when you were a few years younger. We need to augment and enhance your facial volume loss, not make you look “different”. There is no cookie cutter injection pattern for anyone. Each patient has their own specific facial aging process, and it is my job to identify what it is, choose the correct injectable based on its science (not because I could save money if I bought product in bulk), keep you safe while doing it, all while working within your budget. Whether it be injectables , dermal fillers or a combination of both, we will develop a treatment plan specific to you AND your budget.

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