Acne, Acne Scars, Sun Damage,
Freckles and Vessel Treatments


Do you have sun damage, rosacea, age spots, freckles, or noticeable vessels? Do you or one of your family members suffer from active acne or acne scars? At The Artistry of Face, we can help.

Lumecca IPL Treatments for Sun Damage and Vascular Lesions

– Sometimes referred to as a “Photo Facial” Lumecca is the most powerful IPL (intense pulsed light) used to treat vascular lesions and skin pigmentation. Most patients see a reduction in brown or red spots and improvements in their skin after just one treatment.

Using Lumecca, Kelly can treat the following concerns on all parts of the body:

  • Sun Damage
  • Age Spots
  • Freckles
  • Vascular Lesions
  • Rosacea


– You’ll see a bright flash of light and perhaps feel a slight elastic sensation during treatment. You’ll likely experience a warning of the skin and slight redness post-treatment that lasts about an hour. You may see a darkening of spots a day or two after treatment. Within a week, the spots will fade away.

Preparation: For one month prior to treatment, avoid direct, prolonged exposure to the sun.

Post-Treatment: Immediately following treatment, avoid direct sunlight and tanning.

1 Session
2 Sessions
3 Sessions

Acne, Acne Scar and Scar Treatments

Acne can affect people of all ages. Using a series of 3 treatments, Kelly uses heat to clean sebaceous glands in your problem areas, leaving you with clearer skin. To treat acne scarring, Kelly uses a similar method, accomplished in a series of 4 treatments.

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To learn more about this service and which services are best for you, schedule your consultation.

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